What is my SMTP server is one of the first questions you should ask while configuring an email client.
Your SMTP server name can be found in a variety of ways. The most popular providers' SMTP settings are shown here; if you use a less popular or local provider that is not on the list, you should visit its website (and if necessary, get in touch with it).
Nevertheless, keep in mind that only a reputable SMTP server can ensure that all of your emails are delivered correctly. In general, free outgoing servers like those connected to Gmail or Hotmail are not intended for delivering bulk emails.
Switch to a dedicated outgoing server like SMTPServer if you're setting up a newsletter campaign or simply don't want any of your messages to get lost. You can sign up and start receiving 9,000 relays for free every month, indefinitely.
1&1 | 1&1 | Smtp.1and1.com |
Airmail | Airmail.net | Mail.airmail.net |
AOL | Aol.com | Smtp.aol.com |
AT&T | Att.net | Outbound.att.net |
Bluewin | Bluewin.ch | Smtpauths.bluewin.ch |
BT Connect | Btconnect.com | Mail.btconnect.tom |
Comcast | Comcast.net | Smtp.comcast.net |
Earthlink | Earthlink.net | Smtpauth.earthlink.net |
Gmail | Gmail.com | Smtp.gmail.com |
Gmx | Gmx.net | Mail.gmx.net |
HotPop | Hotpop.com | Mail.hotpop.com |
Libero | Libero.it | Mail.libero.it |
Lycos | Lycos.com | Smtp.lycos.com |
O2 | o2.com | Smtp.o2.com |
O2 | o2.com | Smtp.o2.com |
Outlook.com (former Hotmail) | Outlook.com | Smtp.live.com |
Tin | Tin.it | Mail.tin.it |
Tiscali | Tiscali.co.uk | Smtp.tiscali.co.uk |
Verizon | Verizon.net | Outgoing.verizon.net |
Virgin | Virgin.net | Smtp.virgin.net |
Wanadoo | Wanadoo.fr | Smtp.wanadoo.fr |
Yahoo | Yahoo.com | Smtp.mail.yahoo.com |
SMTPServer | smtpserver.com | smtp.smtpserver.com |