SMTP Service: SMTPServer makes it simple to send email messages

Implementing email sending from your app

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Implementing email sending from your app

There are a few steps you need to take if you want to send email from your app.

  • Step 1: Choose between using our API or SMTP Server.
  • Step 2: Set up the address or domain you want to send from.
  • Step 3: Verify your domain by adding DNS records to it.
  • Step 4: Connect your app to it.
  • Step 5: Send a test email.
  • Step 6: It's ready to be sent.

Let’s get started…

Step 1: Choose between using our API or SMTP Server

Before you can begin integrating with SMTPServer, you must first decide whether to use SMTP Server or our REST API. Both methods will ensure that your email is sent, but there are variations between them. Here is a table to assist you in deciding which strategy is best for you.

Options Rest API SMTP Server
Easy to migrate No Yes
Big change in code Yes No
Codding knowledge Required Not Required
Need Upto date with SMTPServer Yes No
Use our full customizations option Yes, Full access Limited Option to use
Response Data Get all data in response Limited data in response

Once you've determined the appropriate strategy for your situation, it's time to start sending. This document will focus solely on SMTP Server.

Step 2: Set up the address or domain you want to send from

After creating an account and paying for an IP address, you will be sent to the dashboard. In order to create your SMTP server, you must execute some actions on the dashboard.

Step A: Add your Domain

From the dashboard first add your domain.

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Step 3: Verify your domain by adding DNS records to it

To verify a domain, a CNAME record must be added to the domain host. Your domain host is typically where you purchased your domain name (like GoDaddy, Enom, or In order to map your website, you must add a CNAME record to your domain host.

Step A: Get a CNAME record for your domain from your SMTP server

After you've ordered your IP, you'll need to add your domain, which will be used to send mail. You can finish the portion in three easy steps. At the end of the process, you'll have three CNAME records to add to your domain DNS record. This appears to be as follows:

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Step B: Log in to your domain hosting account

Now, login to your domain hosting account, and choose your domain. After that, go to the DNS menu and add the records there.

Step C: Update your domain's DNS records to include the CNAME record

If you're not sure what CNAME records are, ask your domain host for assistance. When you phone or email their support team, you can use the email template below. Follow the steps below to add the CNAME record to your domain host. More detailed information can be found in the documentation provided by your domain host. The DNS settings in our example case are handled by Cloudflare.

  • Navigate to your domain's DNS records.
  • Select CNAME as the record type when adding a record to your DNS settings.
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3. Go back to the first window or tab and copy the Label/Host field's contents.
4. With your DNS records, paste the copied data into the Label or Host box.
5. Go back to the first window or tab and copy the Destination/Target field's contents.

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6. With your DNS records, paste the copied data into the Destination or Target box.

Your record should resemble one of the following tables:

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  • Note 1: If in your domain DNS setting have an option of Proxy, put that off. Keep DNS only.
  • Note 2: Changes to CNAME records can take up to 72 hours to take effect, but they usually happen considerably sooner.
Step D: Verify the status of your domain

After you've modified the CNAME record, go to the domain menu in the SMTP Server program and verify the status of your domain. If all records have been properly updated, the Active status will be displayed; otherwise, the status will be Pending. If the status remains Pending after 5 minutes, double-check the CNAME record or contact our support team.

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When you click on the domain name, you'll see the specifics of your SMTP server if everything is updated successfully. This is how it will seem.

Step 4: Connect your app to it

You are now prepared to integrate SMTPServer with your application. This page demonstrates the SMTP Server option for the Mautic Application. The apps are essentially identical. Please refer to the application's official documentation for further information.

Scrolling down this right panel after you have verified your domain will provide the "SMTP Config" settings

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Mautic SMTP configuration

After signing in with your Mautic credentials, you will be in the “Dashboard”

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From the Dashboard, click on the Settings (gear icon) icon at the top-right corner of the page → A new panel will appear on the right side with some menus and the heading Settings → From the Settings menu, click on the option “Configuration

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A new page named “Configuration” will be loaded with a vertical tab of menus → From the menu click on “Email Settings” → A section will be loaded with “Mail Send Settings

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Now in the “Mail Send Settings” section, select the “Other SMTP Server” option from the drop-down menu of “Service to send mail through” → Then select the “Login” option from the drop-down menu of “SMTP authentication mode” → Then furnish all the required fields with the SMTP Config details found in Point 1 (Where to get SMTP config details?) → Then click on “Apply” and “Save & Close” to save the configuration (You can also Test SMTP settings by clicking the Test connection button)

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Step 5: Send a test email

Now that you have a validated domain, you can send your first email! There are numerous methods available for sending. Let's examine some options for sending a test email. In your integrated application, there is a test mail option. Try sending the email. If all of the preceding procedures are executed correctly, the application will send you a test email.

Step 6: It's ready to be sent

Once your app has been configured, the most crucial step has been completed; you are now sending emails to your clients from your app reliably.


Even said we recognize that there are occasions when you simply want to ask someone a question. Also, we have you covered in this regard. We have an exceptional support team available to address any issues you may have. Simply send an email to and we will respond within a day. Additionally, we offer chat help.

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